
This website aims to describe my daily life & challenges as an emerging scientist!

Welcome to my personal website, a creative and personal way of sharing my daily life as a growing scientist! 

In the blog section you will find more or less personal posts related to my thesis & the Swiss Mountain Soil project.

In the research & the about section, you will learn more on myself and my PhD thesis project!

To look at the pictures highlighting the most memorable moments of my career visit the gallery!

Hope you will appreciate your journey!

Sarah Semeraro

My research focuses on soil-vegetation interactions in Switzerland’s different bioclimatic zones and particularly soil formation and evolution processes. I am interested in the ecological relations occurring within the above and belowground compartments of terrestrial ecosystems and tackle threats to soils’ functions and services.

The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all”

Wendell Berry, The Unsettling of America: Culture and Agriculture

Useful material, go have a look!

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Scientific Writing – Little reminder

Master student’s supervision – Starting checklist

Weekly meeting – Agenda template